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(OCC: This is on the 11th of january in the afternoon. Linkara and IHeart only. It's pretty much a helping friendship thread)
IHeart sighed, she wished things would go back to what they were. She wasn't really stressed over matters, more like wanting things to stay the same. She never gotten used to changes that affected her negatively. Sure, working for Critic was a change but she wanted it, not this war.
Well. She felt also worried. Her friends were in a situation they couldn't get back from. All her friends meant to her a lot, she've gotten used to them since Kickassia. She couldn't help but wonder over her good big-brother figure Linkara a lot now since he was the one who was getting more and more involved with stradegy and plans of battles in the war. Hopefully he wasn't too burnt out
Linkara was pooped out. He was so busy now adays making sure that everything was okay, that all battle plans were working and that all people were resting and having fun. He wanted to see IHeart, but he couldn't find her. Eventually he found her in the park. Not being able to resist a bit of fun, he sneaked up behind her and put his hands over her eyes.
IHeart jumped but couldn't help, after many days of "war depression" laugh harder than she did in a while. Linkara had that knack to cheer her up. However covering her eyes had a way of freaking her out. He playfully punched his arm "Dang it man! Don't do that" She then moved over so Linkara could sit down beside her. She replied happily "It's been a while since we chatted Link"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it." Linkara hadn't laughed so hard in ages. His grin stretched ear from ear, like a Cheshire cat stretched out as long as a slinky. "You should have seen the look on your face." Another giggle escaped his mouth as he sat next to IHeart. Once his giggling had subsided he grinned at her "No we haven't Heartie. But I intend to give you as much time as I can." He grinned at her, his friend was with him.
(OCC, so is this before the attack on Askthatguy's house or not)
(OCC: The timeline states it's before the attack so IHeart's ok here. Good question btw)
IHeart laughed again "I know I was like 'What the heck?!' you really got me Link" She then looked to see Linkara now sit next to her and speak to her. She felt very calm around her big-brother figure. Come to think of it, all her friends represented family to her. Spoony, Nostalgia Critic and Linkara were her big brothers, Cinema Snob was a second father figure, Roses was basically her mother figure, Chick was her aunt figure, Harvey was her Uncle figure and 90's kid was her twin or something
IHeart replied warmly to her close friend "So linkara? You've been handling a lot of hoodoo. At least that's what 90's kid told me. I felt the need to ask you what did you handle? Something to do with Missingno or something"
(OCC: If you don't understand her question she means how did Linkara handle the entity, she clearly has no idea of it)
Linkara settled down, pulling out a pipe, as he prepared to tell his sotry "Well, a couple of months ago, people started to disappear. First Dr Linksano, then Ninja Style Dancer, then Harvey, then Pollo and.. LIz." A pained look crossed his face as he rememberd his former girlfriend. "Anyway, all across the world others went missing. Joe, Spoony, Lupa, Phelous, jew Wario, Marzgurl even Dr Insano." He sighed, "Eventually it was just me and the 90's Kid. And he was the form MissingNo possessed. He had taken the entire world except for me." He sighed "It was a glitch, and the entire world, hell the universe was about to be absorbed. It had done it before and had no problem doing it again. It had eyes like static, and it was as if he was unable to not say anything without spazzing up"
He closed his eyes, remembering how quiet it had been "It was... it was as if I was all alone, and no one was there to comfort me, help me or even taunt me. Eventually I managed to defeat the Entity, but I haven't had a rest in ages." He rubbed his eyes as if to illustrate this point.
Last Edit: Aug 19, 2012 15:53:56 GMT -5 by Linkara
"I remember the news saying things disappearing but that's all I remember. God, I never knew it was that bad" IHeart commented. Then she listened to the rest, and she frowned that Linkara gave a sad look when mentioning Liz. It was apparently bad. Then she listened to how he witnessed the horribleness of the entity. It sounded intimidating and she felt bad for him. After all, Linkara had helped her deal with stress now she wanted to do Vise Versa for him. She put a arm around her friend and then replied "You deserve a big break. You clearly have a lot of crap on your plate"
IHeart in a attempt to make him feel better, messed up his hat making it go sideways and replying again "That creep is not here thanks to you. The best part? You're now hanging out with me! One of the best people out there if I do say so myself" She was clearly fooling around and wanted Linkara to cheer up
Linkara smirked as Iheart touched his hat. Grinning he quickly tickled her under the arm before, still smirking, he listened to what IHeaert had to say "You know, I'd usually say such cheek is a weakness, but coming from you, I'd believe every word of it. So what do you fancy doing? I mean we have to go and prepare for the assault soon."
IHeart grinned then pondered over Linkara's question. IHeart then replied again with some slight teasing "Usually I enjoy playing some outside games. The usual Tag and things like that" IHeart then poked Linkara's chest and replied "You're it"
Linkara paused for a moment in suprise, then a soft smile passed on his face. He got up, and ran after IHeart as fast as slow would allow him, in order to try and pace himself. Eventually he rounded a tree and tapped her hand. "Tag! Your it!" He then turned and ran back, giggling like a schoolkid.
(OCC: I can't draw crap. If I could I would XD. But I'm honestly having fun with this)
IHeart pounted a bit first but then followed Linkara around. She panted as she tried to catch up with him. Sure it was a bit immature but hey it was all in good fun. She shouted "No fair! How is it you're faster than me?!" She then ran a bit faster trying to catch him
Linkara grinned as he ran a little faster "I don't know, but I shouldn't be ahead of you with all this flab. Maybe it's your legs." He teased her so gently in case she took offence. Suddenly he slipped a little bit, allowing IHeart to get a little bit closer to him.
"No it's not!" IHeart laughed, not taking offense in the slightest. She saw him slip and that caused her to get much closer. Eventually, she tagged his back and ran the other way before he could even try to catch her. While panting she replied "See? I'm ahead of you NOW" Panting a bit and laughing she tried to find a place to rest without getting caught
"CHEATER!" Linkara staggered back up, took three long breaths and then ran round trying to find a way to get to IHeart without alerting her to his presence. He sneaked up, seeing her take a breath. He waited for the moment, pounced.
"Wrong way linkie!" IHeart dodged Linkara completely. Seeing he was tired didn't stop her in the slightest. She went to a farby tree for a small period of time. She simply turned to see Linkara coming she smirked then went the other way just to taunt him slightly