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Mechakara dodged the kick and swung a kick of his own at her.
"Thank you. I guess we're about even on strength after all. At least I won't have to worry Linkara won't build something to get rid of you." said Mechakara.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:25:13 GMT -5 by Mechakara
"If he did. It would've been blasted by me. That so-called champion will have to work hard" DarkHeart responded, assuring mechakara that she had no intention of getting blown up. She was pleased that mechakara was still working hard on fighting her. She dodged his kick and attempted a fighting pounce on him to get him distracted
Mechakara smirked knowing even if some trick of Linkara's had worked they would just come back even stronger. He was then surprised as she pounced at him and knocked him over.
"You distracted me like I did to you. Very impressive. I wasn't expecting that." said Mechakara.
He then shoved her off before getting back onto his feet again.
"We must always be on our toes anticipating our enemies next movement. We should stay focused on the fight at all times now. One distraction could cost us the fight and our lives." said Mechakara.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:32:52 GMT -5 by Mechakara
DarkHeart registered the fact she genuinely surprised Mechakara and grinned. She was getting better. This was good, if she did this to IHeart she would never see it coming. She then was pushed back and she got up. She nodded and replied "Agreed. This approach of complete focus is better to enhance for the enemy. You never know what they can pull off, as pathetic as they are" She looked for a weak spot, if there was one, on mechakara. Then she saw that he was staring at her, keeping his arms available. She went to punch one of them
Mechakara nodded as they kept fighting. Focus was the key. Just talking to each other was a distraction and he hated to admit it but sometimes they did speak to much like other villains. Or as humans called it monologuing. He swung another few punches at Dark Heart followed by a powerful kick.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:32:41 GMT -5 by Mechakara
DarkHeart focused on every move and detail Mechakara had to offer. She knew it best to keep focus. She dodged some punches but got hit with one of them and then the kick caused her to fall down to the ground. It caused her a moment to get back up but she paid no mind, she was warned previously that going easy was not an option. She knew she was going to work hard as well, so she picked a few powerful kicks to mechakara. She didn't feel like smiling nor frowning, she only gave a look of focus
Mechakara was flung back by one of her kicks not able to dodge them all. He collapsed to the ground stopping for a moment to rest his systems. He then stood up and got into a fighting stance once more. He then lunged at her swinging a kick at her legs trying to knock her over.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:38:17 GMT -5 by Mechakara
DarkHeart saw Mechakara so quickly she fell over once again. She took a moment again to register it but got up knowing Mechakara would probably use this to his advantage. She aimed for his arms, trying to catch something to not attack her so much. She focused on fighting, as fun as it was, she had to make sure she stood on top or something down that line
Mechakara saw she'd been knocked down and was aiming for his arms now. He swung punches towards her trying to block her attacks with some of his own. She was improving more with each of their fights just as he was. He enjoyed any time he spent with her especially training sessions. He knew soon Terl would be making his move and he needed to be ready to take care of Linkara and disguise himself and infiltrate the group. As much as he wanted Dark Heart there he hadn't told her about the plan. He knew that if they discovered he was an imposter he knew they'd try to kill him. And at least Dark Heart would be safe down here on Earth. He swung another punch at her trying to focus back on the fight.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:39:50 GMT -5 by Mechakara
DarkHeart focused on fighting. She also saw that mechakara was training hard and improving. He was much better than her, at least in her eyes, but regardless she was admittedly well-trained as the fight continued on. She sensed that the training although normal had another meaning to it, Mechakara seemed to be focused on something else. She assumed it was bitter revenge againest linkara and continued.
However she was admittedly shocked when Mechakara's next punch, for it went to her face. She fell immediately back and collasped to the ground. She wasn't shocked that was going to happen but was shocked at it because she didn't expect it. It took a moment or so for her to acknowledge the punch to the face
Mechakara stopped realizing he'd hit her in the face as he just stood there. He rushed over to her worried. The fight forgotten only worrying about her.
"Are you alright? I didn't hurt you did I?" asked Mechakara.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:44:24 GMT -5 by Mechakara
"No. It is alright. I am fine, my programing system did not expect it and I am reacting out of shock" DarkHeart replied, sincerely honest, the punch although hard did not hurt that bad, she just had a hard time. She may wanted to train with him still but he would not continue until he was certain she was ok, which made her want him to believe she was ok. She did not want to burder him with such things. DarkHeart rubbed her face and let out a shaky chuckle, still shocked from it.
"Again. You pack quite a punch. Linkara's face would've been broken if that was him" She said that with a very pleasent edge, to try and lighten the mood once again. She hoped mechakara would understand he did not hurt her at all
Mechakara smiled in relief glad she wasn't hurt too badly. But he wasn't sure if she was lying to him or not. He smiled at the compliment knowing she spoke the truth. He sat down next to her.
"Perhaps we should take a break. We do not tire as easily as humans do but we can still run down. We can train a bit more later." said Mechakara.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:47:54 GMT -5 by Mechakara
"Sure. I wanted to do more than just train. We do not talk much since... well you know he stands in the way" DarkHeart responded gently and with a hint of sadness. God, Linkara, he always tried to terminate Mechakara. Sure mechakara wanted just as much revenge but it was all with good reason, he was abused in the past, hell if DarkHeart was in his situation back then she would've probably been just as revenge-obsessed but Linkara never understood. He would NEVER understand. He was just some human who had no empathy.
She hated the alternate linkara for abusing such a special master she had, and hated this world's linkara because of the trouble he caused. DarkHeart always had to loose special quality time and always was forced away from mechakara because of him. She never got to enjoy his company. Today was one of those days where she was having the actual treat of spending time with him. She did love the training but taking a break meant she could talk to him, which was just as good
Mechakara nodded glad the training was done for the moment. He frowned realizing they hadn't spent much time together because of Iheart, or Linkara and his friends. He'd been so wrapped in his revenge against them he'd forgotten to spend much time with her. Perhaps he should have made more than one robot so she wouldn't be alone when he was gone. He'd have to consider building more for her. Perhaps he could assimilate some of the reviewers into working for him then Dark Heart wouldn't be completely alone.
"So what do you want to talk about?" asked Mechakara.
He was at a loss what to really talk about aside from crushing their enemies. But that was something they talked about all the time. Maybe she'd have some ideas.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:50:57 GMT -5 by Mechakara