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(OCC: And yes... The title is based on Mechakara's line in To Boldly Flee. Shadupitwasacuteline. This is before To Boldly Flee speaking of which if you want a timeline analysis.)
DarkHeart observed the forest she was in. She was supposed to train some more here as well as have some fun times with Mechakara. She was glad they weren't planning any attacks today, she wanted to have a day off with mechakara to enjoy his company as part of their daughter-father relationship. She waited for him to come out of their abandoned hiding spot in a unknown location in Minnisota and leaned againest a tree
Mechakara teleported into the forest and approached Dark Heart. He was also glad they could spend some time together. Aside from their failed attacks and having to take awhile to rebuild they hadn't been able to spend much time together alone. He would change that.
"Hello Dark Heart. I'm glad you could make it." said Mechakara.
He smiled approaching her.
"So you have any training plans? I'd try anything new. Especially to get stronger. Linkara has beaten me too many times and I want to make sure next time I destroy him." said Mechakara.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:08:31 GMT -5 by Mechakara
DarkHeart grinned excitedly. She then pondered on what to do when it came to training. She then responded "I think we should do one on one combat. Since I am around the same type of strength you are, I suppose fighting someone strong can help you easily take on the weak" She said this to assume that she did have a idea on training. She wanted to help Mechakara get better and to do that, he needed to practice
"Perhaps without weapons for now. We want to get stronger but I don't want to hurt you by accident." said Mechakara.
He stood in a fighting stance ready to fight. She was right about them being equally strong so he couldn't hurt her too badly with his own strength. But he didn't want to risk hurting her with a weapon.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:10:08 GMT -5 by Mechakara
"Very well. It's entirely up to you" DarkHeart responded, not wanting to use any weapons either, for the sake of HER hurting Mechakara. She got into her own fighting stance, and she couldn't help but smirk playfully. She nodded as if she wanted him to attack first. This was going to be fun for her. Training with mechakara was like playing a game
"Alright but we can't go easy on each other. We need to make ourselves as strong as we can." said Mechakara.
Mechakara then charged at her swinging his right fist at Iheart's chest while sweeping his left leg at her feet in an attempt to knock her off balance.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:12:15 GMT -5 by Mechakara
"Quite" DarkHeart responded in agreement. DarkHeart smirked, not surprised Mechakara would use two ways to make DarkHeart at least fall or get attacked. She grabbed Mechakara's hand away from her, then saw the leg and dodged it as much as she could. She would try her best to avoid a attack but she would also play fairly. She certainly had a great feeling about this though. It caused her to smirk widely, as if this was fun for her. She then attempted a punch around Mechakara's shoulder
Mechakara smirked impressed with her quick thinking as she shoved his hand away and dodged his kick. She then swung a punch at him. He jumped backwards avoiding it.
"You've certainly come along way. Have you been training yourself recently?" asked Mechakara.
He swung another kick towards her legs as he spoke.
Last Edit: Sept 7, 2018 22:15:32 GMT -5 by Mechakara
"Well everytime we get seperated I feel like punching things. So I go to a abandoned building or the woods to---" As she was distracted, she was successfully tripped by Mechakara. She was surprised but in the good way, again, the fighting she and mechakara were having was like a game. She smirked slyly and playfully "You have improved as well. Then again, you never were one to fight improperly" She got up and aimed a punch at his chest and a kick to trip him down
"Oh most definitely. These session are useful for our battle tactics" DarkHeart responded, she nearly dodged but was lucky, for the punch was very quick and if not careful, DarkHeart would've gotten successfully hit. DarkHeart quickly went behind Mechakara and attempted a kick at his back to keep him on focus on attacking her. She thought the training could use a little more zest so she decided to pull off that move
DarkHeart grinned, pleased her manouver was close to attacking him. She then saw him try to knock her down and unfortunately got tripped again, but she was quick on her feet and got right back up. She ran a bit closer to Mechakara and attempted to punch his chest area. She was having fun but focused. This was a good way to insure her main enemy's defeat. She let out a laugh of amusement "My god, I missed this. This is so fun"
"Maybe but it's better than being completely untrained" DarkHeart responded back cheerfully. She got punched by Mechakara and did stir back and she grinned widely, as it didn't hurt but it caused her to stir. She responded "Don't hold yourself out. You pack a punch yourself" She then aimed a kick to cause him to fall down so she could possibly restrain him