Hello and welcome to The Entertainment Multiverse. We are a crossover role-playing site. We allow live action, animated, and internet characters here. We also allow ocs as well. Follow the guidelines to make your app and don't forget to the read the rules. If you have question just ask in the questions section. Or pm one of the staff. We'd be happy to help you out..
Also when registering change your name to the character's you're going to use. Thanks! We look forward to rping with you.
I really need some new characters. However, I need to narrow it down.
These are my sample posts for each character.
Jesu Otaku.
Edward loved this new place! This was exactly what Edward had always dreamed of. Edward-
Jesu Otaku screamed as she grabbed control of her mind back with a sob muffled in the scream. After the events of the trip to the plot hole, the effects of that stupid, stupid machine had not let go of her. She was now fighting a twenty four, seven day war for her mind.
It wasn't as if Edward wasn't welcome. She would have been happy to let go once everywhile, but it was every single millisecond she was fighting for her life. And she was terrified that one day Edward would take over, and all that would be left was a blank salte.
She gently kissed Nash on the head as he slept, before getting into the cab to Critic's house.
This was a question that CR had asked himself many times before, when certain people had promptly come to him with their sob stories,and he would have to try and comfort them. Not that he didn't like it, but he did sometimes just want to have a normal Saturday evening.
And then he noticed the text.
Get a load of this, CR.
Underneath was a picture of Critic, Linkara and Rainbow Dash.
CR promptly threw several things into a bag, including some cartoons, and got into the cab.
If this was a hoax, nice guy of the site or not, he was going ot liquidize the Critic.