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"You should think about adding Linkara in those. At least the Hulk ones so you don' have to suffer alone since you don't like them. And since he has a lot of comic knowledge it would be more helpful. Kind of like how Linkara, Jew Wario, and Suede were going to review the Pokemon films. I wonder when that's coming out." said Ma-Ti.
He paused as she listened to the three Hulks.
'I didn't see the first one. I only saw the second Hulk movie and the Avengers. So it should be interesting to see how the hulk evolved through the three films." said Ma-Ti.
He paused again as she said he came up with good ideas. He blushed.
"You'd have figured it out eventually. It sounds fun anyway. We don't have to worry about continuity or plot holes anymore thanks to the giant plot hole. I wonder what happened to it if Critic's down here?" asked Ma-Ti.
"Well the iron man movies along with the avengers I'd do by myself. Linkara would help me with Thor and the hulk movies then nostalgia Critic along with Spoony would come by and review Captain america with me" IHeart explained about the marvel movies. She then nodded as Ma-Ti said he only saw two movies with Hulk in it. She chuckled "Lucky for you. The first one sucks. Trust me"
She then blushed slightly as Ma-Ti told her that she was smart enough to figure it out for herself. She put her hand over his again, gently rubbing it absentmindly before responding "I honestly have no idea. Maybe we should ask him when we get back? Anyway the movie that chester and I are gonna make fun of/review is actually... You're not going to believe me.... ZombieLand. Yes, he reviewed it but he really wanted to do it and I couldn't say no to his puppy eyes"
Then suddenly the waiter came with both teens' orders with the food and drinks. The waiter smiled to IHeart and then murmured to Ma-Ti "Enjoy. She's really cute. Good luck"
Ma-Ti nodded. So she was making a three solo reviews then a couple with Linakra and then captain america with critic and spoony.
"Well perhaps I could show up during the Captain America review. Everyone thought he died right? I could show up then. Unless you've got a better idea." said Ma-Ti.
He paused smiling as she blushed and put her hand on his. She then listened and chuckled as she mentioned she was doing a crossover review with Chester of Zombieland.
"Well I'm sure that will be interesting. I look forward to seeing them all." Said Ma-Ti.
He paused as the waiter came giving them their meals and drinks and he heard the waiter and blushed thankfully it was barely noticeable with his skin.
"Well let's eat." said Ma-Ti.
He smiled as he picked up his fork and started eating.
"Hey yeah! That sounds good! Captain america comes back from the dead and so did you! That's cool!" IHeart replied in complete agreement to Ma-Ti's idea. She then saw their food and nodded, grabbing her own fork and going to eat it. She widened her eyes, so the rumors of this place were true. The food tasted REALLY good, at least to her. She looked up to Ma-Ti and replied "So how's your food? Mine tastes really good"
Ma-Ti nodded glad she was pleased. As they began eating he smiled also enjoying the food.
"This is great. I'm glad we came here. I really owe the Critic and the others one." said Ma-Ti.
He smiled as he kept eating. He had lasagna, garlic bread, and a soda. As he ate he realized he would end up with garlic breath but hopefully she wouldn't mind too much. It was too late to change it now.
"So after reviewing the marvel movies and Zombieland what comes next? Reviewing the dc movies?" joked Ma-Ti.
He knew Superman had five movies counting Superman Returns, and Batman had the original quadrilogy and the Nolan trilogy. That would take too long to review all of those. Maybe she could just pick out her favorites or the worst. After all Critic already reviewed Batman & Robin so she didn't need to redo that one.
IHeart nodded, reminding herself quietly to thank Chick and Critic for their ideas. She continued eating her order and drinking her lemonade as much as she could. She then listened to what Ma-Ti asked and she smirked, amused. She replied "Nah. Film Brain called dibs on it. He's going to do a Superman and Batman month as he called, I like my name better" She let out a giggle before replying "After those two things I was planning a Scooby Doo month. Critic before he disappeared did that godawful live action one, which I don't have to do now thanks to him"
"So he's doing the DC movies? Doesn't he normally do bad movies though? Is there enough bad DC movies to do a whole month on? I mean Critic already did Batman & Robin." said Ma-Ti.
He paused as she mentioned doing a Scooby Doo month.
"But there's only three live action films. And they were all an improvement to the first one. And there's tons of animated films they have now. Some of them they even fought real zombies and monsters. Maybe it'd be more fun to do Scooby Doo mini reviews for the whole month. Like Film Brain's Projector show. Then you could review more of them. You could still review some in your regular way but that way you could do more than four in one month if you wanted to." said Ma-Ti.
He knew that would take a lot of work even for like a 5 minute review of Scooby Doo film but she didn't have to do it every day. Maybe ever two or three days then. There were a lot of Scooby Doo films to cover and the list kept growing every year or two with a new one.
"Yeah but a hater complained about that for some bizarre reason and called him a "Nostalgia Critic" clone. So he's proving that guy wrong by doing this. He reviewed Batman returns negatively and he's not touching batman and robin" IHeart responded as she explained why Film Brain was doing the DC type of movies
She then pondered about the scooby doo month "Oh I should've said it earlier" She pretended to slap herself before responding "The live action ones I'm not intending to do. I'm just going to do some of the animated movies for the month and if people want me to do the live action and tv shows of scooby doo, I'll do it next year" She then sighed and rubbed her face over the first live action "I'm glad if my fans want me to do a live action retreospective on scooby doo I won't have to do the first one, cause critic handled it"
"I think nearly everyone was inspired by Critic in some way. I mean he was one of the first reviewers. Now there are tons of them including a lot of bad ones on youtube. Or so I've heard. Film Brain is not a clone of his. Their review styles are too different. If anything I'd say Chick was a Film Brain clone as her style is more similar to his now that Critic's." said Ma-Ti.
He paused shaking his head.
"They review things negatively for the most part and we watch each other's reviews and hang out alot. I think you guys influence each other even when you don't realize it. That doesn't mean anyone's a clone of someone else. It's kind of like a tribute. At least to me." said Ma-Ti.
Ma-Ti nodded glad to hear that. The three live action films weren't really that bad. Although they still kept with the supernatural theme which was kind of odd. Even the animated films and shows hardly did monsters anymore.
"Although you might want to consider it at some point. It's odd is all four movies had real monsters in it. First was demons. The second was the costumes turned into monsters, and then the third had real ghosts working for an impostor, and the fourth had a ghost and real monsters. They missed the whole point of Scooby Doo. They went around solving cases unmasking impostors. The third one is probably the closest I've seen to the show and even then they messed it up by putting real ghosts in it." said Ma-Ti.
He paused knowing that there had been exceptions like a series or a couple movies. In the animated films it felt more original. In the live actions it kind of felt like they just through real monsters in cause they were scary and popular at the time.
"Do you know which ones you'll review?" asked Ma-Ti.
"Hmmm yeah that's why I mentioned hater" She chuckled in agreement then responded "Yeah. What's wrong with that? We don't mean to copy we mean to inspire or tribute a certain person. Hell I was inspired by Spoony and nobody claims me of copying him. Also, I was inspired by Linkara and nobody claims me of copying him either" She then nodded with a grin about the critic's hanging out a lot "Yeah, we're like a little dysfuctional family"
She then listened to Ma-Ti's advice and responded back "Like I said if my fans want me to do it I will. Yeah, the live actions ones missed the point. The first one especially, demons and scrappy wanting to be one. Really?" She facepalmed at the mere thought of that movie. She then responded "Zombie Island had real monsters but that one used it for a mystery-like type of deal. That was the only one I could make a exception to. Besides, the gang handled a electric virus and aliens"
She then patiently thought out which animated movies she was going to do. She grinned matter-of-factly and responded with a cheer "Simple. Scooby doo and Zombie Island, Scooby doo and the alien invaders, scooby doo and the monster of mexico and scooby doo and the alien invaders" She grinned a bit wider and replied "I would do witch's ghost but I want to do that some other time"