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(OCC: Pre-Thor 1. This is when Loki and Thor are young adults. This is like two or three years before the first movie. So all fun and games for these two. Loki/Thor thread)
"Blasted little trickster! Get out and stay out!" A guard replied to Loki as he fooled the guard into letting him into the weapons room. Then made him trip all over the swords. Then made him pinned by tons of arrows which Loki aimed at him. Then using his magic to make the guard think there was too many spiders. Loki was more mature than his brother but he had his moments of mischief. Loki laughed as he was shoved and pushed out of the weapons room. He waltzed off, too amused to care about the guard. He was arrogant enough to not be so bothered by little things. His studies were done and he had a hour to himself before his brother returned from his own training.
He couldn't wait to tell Thor what he did. It would be so funny. At least to him it would be. He heard a horse neigh and Frigga welcome Thor back. Loki walked down and beamed at his older brother "Welcome back, brother. Did you manage to make Drasil pay for yesterday's insults to you?" Drasil insulted Thor's looks and intelligence just before training ended yesterday. And thor was ranting about it when he came home. So Loki was curious to find out what was the result of it.
Thor grinned as he spotted his brother. He'd already greeted his mother. It was good to be back home again. He smirked at Loki's reply.
"I certainly did. I first thought of fighting him but that wouldn't prove he was wrong. So I thought about what you would do. And since I didn't have your magic I challenged him to a skill of intelligence. An archery contest. And I won. He won't be mocking me any time soon." said Thor.
He grinned at him.
"So what have you done to amuse yourself? I see the guards are still in one piece and not turned into rats. Or was it pigs?" said Thor.
Loki had pulled a lot of pranks on many people in the castle including Thor himself. After a while it was hard to keep track of them all and yet he had a feeling Loki remembered everyone. He envied how free-spirited he was and often found himself tagging along on some of Loki's pranks to spend more time with him. His friends were fun but it wasn't the same as hanging out with his younger brother.
Loki raised his head in curiosity as Thor expressed that he wanted to prove Drasil wrong. So instead of physically fighting him he did something different, and used intelligence to defeat him. A archery contest. What made Loki so interested was Thor's phrasing. He expressed he wanted to act like Loki would. Which was clever. So instead of basic magic, he used intelligence. Something Loki would use when cornered or not allowed to use powers when training. He gave a good hearted pat to Thor's back "Well done, Thor. I would've loved to see it. Alas, I had to practice my magic with mother" The truth was he loved to practice magic but he would've paid to be told to do training JUST to see Drasil be outwitted.
"No transformation today, brother. Only simple illusion. The poor guard was too dull for transformation so I suppose I went easy" Loki laughed for a minute before controlling himself. He controlled his laughter but his eyes suggested complete amusement "You should have seen the look on the poor fool's face when I showed him a pile of spiders in the weapons room. I thought he might lose consciousness" He laughed again.
"I could not help it, thor. Mother let me go for the day so I had to do something to wait for you. This guard was stubborn he said" Loki then made a mocking serious face, almost like a child would but he reserved his body "'You know that weapons are only used for training, you trickster prince'" He chuckled "Then I said 'Ah but you let Thor come here privately. I wish to be strong like my father. Who are you to deny my right as prince' and he got flustered and ashamed" He shook his head, chuckling some more "Then I just used my magic to make a stick trip him so he did and the sword rack just landed on him" He shrugged, while laughing all the while "But he is strong and it didn't seem to hurt him too bad"
Thor grinned as Loki patted him on the back. Praise from Loki and his mother always seemed to be more genuine than praise from his father. Even though he still wanted his father's approval. He focused on Loki and smiled.
"Well next time someone challenges me or I challenge them I'll make sure you're there to see it. With my luck, my temper, and my competiveness it probably happens more times than I care to admit. So you'll have plenty of more chances." said Thor.
Thor chuckled listening as Loki said he did an illusion and made him see spiders.
"Sounds like you had fun today too brother. I wish I could have seen that." said Thor.
Thor was probably one of the few people here who didn't mind his brother's magic. He saw it as a strength and a skill Loki had. He often found himself jealous that Loki had magic while he couldn't. He'd remembered asking once when he was little if he could learn it. He was disappointed and sad to learn he could not learn magic. So he was fascinated with magic and what his brother could do. Thor chuckled again listening to Loki's explanations.
"Well perhaps next time we train together. Besides with your magic we'd stand a better chance of not getting caught. I figured it was only a matter of time before the guards told father or he found out another way." said Thor.
Thor grinned.
"You're right. He is strong. But I hope you don't get into trouble for that. Sometimes I swear trouble is your middle name." said Thor.
"That's the only thing that makes me wish that you never change your competitiveness" Loki smiled, already imagning a scenario where he could see Thor just punch people. Thor's brawn-like skills made Loki very amused most of the time, since he couldn't do it without getting his own ass kicked. It was like a spectator sport to him. Even if there was a lot of him that preferred intelligence.
"It would've been amusing for you to see his reaction. He looked like he saw a spirit" Loki chuckled again. Picturing the fear a lot of people gave when it came to his magic was something that gave Loki pride. Fear meant some sort of respect. Something that was hard for loki to get most of the time. Frigga and Thor were the only ones that respected him most of the time when it came to his magic. He only got public regard because he was a adult now and bullying was frowned upon. He was forced to gain respect with pranks and party tricks as a child and teenager, and the plan did work but there were always those group of kids that would bully him behind people's backs.
He wouldn't really tell Odin because he would demand he be a man, he never told Frigga because telling your mother was a immediate cause for worse bullying and Thor would just beat them up. So unless it was bad, Thor wasn't told anything either. Still, having Thor as your biggest supporter was a ego-booster. So when Thor approved, Loki felt like he could do anything. Then Thor pointed out that next time, they'd train together "If only magic binding wasn't today, I'd go with you in a heartbeat. Besides, you and I are supposed to be the future of Asgard, with your strength and my mind, no-one can really stop us. Imagine brother, in two years time, you will be king" The thought of ruling with Thor sounded great. Of course, nothing beat being king but Loki was content with being in Thor's council. Or at least he hoped he would be.
"Actually I thought it was Borson but I could be wrong" Loki teased as Thor called him out as a trouble-maker. "Come now brother, do not worry about the guards. They will never tell on me. And even if they do, father won't be too angry. Besides, the guard has probably forgiven me" Almost as if he jinxed himself the guard was grumbling out the door and making insults.
'Magic is no good. That blasted little prince. Once thor is king I hope magic is outlawed. Useless I say, useless'
Loki's face evidently changed. From amusement to actual hurt, Loki turned with a sad smile and replied "Then again. I suppose not" Loki then turned to walk off. He didn't want to not feel wanted. It would ruin his ego.
"I doubt I'll change anytime soon. But I'm glad I'll always have you in my corner. To stop me from going too far." said Thor.
Thor chuckled.
"It does sound like fun. I suppose there's no way for me share memories with each other.. Well if you do find a spell I wouldn't mind sharing them with you. Especially for things you weren't there for." said Thor.
Thor grinned at him.
"Then we train another day when we're not busy. I always look forward to any time I get to spend with you. We've been so busy lately. I miss hanging out with you." said Thor.
He paused with his words and sighed.
"Some days I'm not sure if I'm ready to be king. It's such a responsibility. On those days I fear I'm not strong enough or smart enough. But everyone has doubts I suppose." said Thor.
Thor sighed again.
"They'd better not. No one hurts my brother and gets away with it." said Thor.
He heard the guard grumbling and Thor saw Loki walk away. Thor an closer and pulled him into a hug.
"He is a fool little brother. Magic is a gift. And I'll make sure it's never outlawed when I become king. I've never said this before but I was jealous I couldn't learn magic like you when I was younger. But soon I just became happy that you could do it. I know I'd never be as good as you with magic so perhaps it's for the best I don't have it." said Thor.
He pulled back reluctantly not wanting to make the moment more awkward but he wanted his brother to know he was there for him.
"Well of course, someone needs to keep the golden child in line" Loki teased, laughing a little as he very softly pushed his brother in jest. He then nodded at the idea of possibly reliving the past before shrugging "I didn't learn that trait just yet. Still immensely faulty with that one. But you will be the first to see me test it out once I'm truly ready" He then gave a sweet smile as his brother admitted that he missed being with him. They were young adults now. Thor was busy becoming a king while Loki was learning council politics. Odin insisted he was born to be royal and would immediately be put as the head of council. This also earned him respect from many adults, some of the council members actually liked the young man for his intelligence. Still, due to his magic, some members judged him and gave him weird looks.
He gave his brother a kind pat on the shoulder, proof he was truly flattered "We can always find time, brother. You're truly the only one I'll always have time for" He then nodded as Thor expressed his doubts "It is natural to be doubtful brother. But there is no doubt in my mind you will make father and our kingdom proud. Perhaps you'll make mistakes, but that's why I'm here. To help you in anyway you need me to" He gave a wink and big grin, being the loving little brother he usually was. He was immensely envious sometimes, which caused him to prank or act out in certain ways. But he loved his brother so much.
Loki raised his eyebrows as Thor threatened that the guards wouldn't hurt him. Loki gave a teasing tone, still a little sad from the guard's words "Careful brother. That temper of yours may also get YOU in trouble. Don't you worry about your little brother. If he can get himself into a trick, he can get right out of it" He then was hugged by his brother as comfort. Loki hugged back, grateful despite the fact they haven't really hugged since children. He too didn't want to make it awkward so he just let it happen before turning to the guard who was walking off. He listened to his brother swear never to make magic illegal and that he was jealous of his abilities once.
Loki found it hard to believe Thor of all people would be jealous, due to being the golden child and all. Loki gave a shocked gasp, laughing a little "Jealous? Of me? Surely you jest"
"And I'll always be grateful for that. You've kept me out of trouble a lot. I lose my temper too much and probably be in more trouble by now if it wasn't for you." said Thor.
Thor nodded.
"Well no rush on that. I know you probably have plenty of fun spells and tricks to learn. But if you do manage it I'd gladly share any memories of mine with you." said Thor.
Thor grinned.
"Good. Even if we have to sneak out of the palace for awhile to do it. Guess I'll end up in more trouble later but that'll be worth it." said Thor.
Thor sighed.
"I hope so. I will make you one of my top advisers for sure. Without you I know I would fail. But together nothing could stop us." said Thor.
Thor smirked.
"Maybe it will but then people would know not to mess with you. Well the few that are stupid not to already. If your magic doesn't get them I will." said Thor.
Thor shook his head.
"Not about this. I've always wanted to do magic on my own and sometimes I still wish I could. But the only magic I will weild is the magic of Mjolnir. It was hard to accept at first but I can still watch you perform it. And that's better than no magic in Asgard at all." said Thor.
Loki blushed a little, his ego being boosted by the second each word Thor said. It was times like this that made Loki realize that underneath the boastfulness was good-naturedness. His brother did mean well despite himself and Loki was always willing to defend thor from any nay-sayers because of it. The trickster god smiled and replied "It is no trouble, brother. Believe me. You always help me when I need it" He then nodded at the idea of memory-sharing, his curiosity making him determined to learn the spell. If only to see the humorous adventures thor got into without him.
Loki then laughed a little "Well it did not stop us from doing it before. Besides, we are the princes, without mother knowing we can pretty much get away with it to begin with" Loki chuckled again. Their mother was the only one to really notice so when she didn't know, nobody else did either. Frigga always did speak highly of them spending time together though, so maybe she wouldn't be too upset.
He then beamed brightly as Thor swore he'd make Loki an advisor. The whole family did mention approval of Loki being an advisor from time to time, but Thor never really made a official comment before today. The thought of having such a high honor really made Loki excited. His wisdom actually being taken seriously for once. He then said with hope in his voice "Nothing would stop us. We'd conquer the nine realms with you on the throne" He then smiled softly as Thor promised that he didn't care about getting in trouble. Getting Loki to be treated with respect was more important. Loki scoffed softly "Why bother Thor? They will despise my abilities even if you make it the law of the land that everyone must learn magic. It's just jealously. You cannot stop that"
"Thor, you have no need to be jealous of me. I have nothing else to offer but tricks. You are strong, brilliant and creative. Everything a kingdom needs. Other than wit and magic, what can I offer? Nothing. You're better than most Thor, do not be foolish as to be jealous of someone as low as I" Loki said, almost bitterly. Yes, the resentment started to come back but it was disguised as self-loathing. It pretty much came hand in hand anyway. The trickster god tried to change the subject by replying "Come along, I think we should do a prank on that idiot guard again"
"And you always help me when I need it." said Thor.
He paused looking at him for a moment and his grin grew.
Thor chuckled.
"I wouldn't have it any other way. Getting into trouble would never be much fun without you. I still think mother let us off easy sometimes. Especially when father wasn't around." said Thor.
Thor grinned.
"There's nothing we couldn't do together. The two of us are a great team." said Thor.
Thor shook his head.
"I will make them understand. I know not everyone can learn magic. I think some may be jealous you have it and others could see you as a threat. But they're wrong. I don't care if it takes the rest of my life. You are a prince of Asgard and should be treated with respect. I will make it law of the land. Even if I end up imprisoning or banishing half the realm or more it will be worth it so everyone knows just how important and special you are." said Thor.
Thor looked surprised as Loki spoke.
"Who are you trying to fool? Me or yourself? Your magic is only surpassed by your intelligence and cunning. You will be the best adviser the realms have ever seen." said Thor.
Loki gave a solid nod as Thor confirmed he helped Thor just as much as Thor helped him. He then smiled softly as Thor admitted being in trouble with him usually was fun. He then chuckled as Thor commented about their mother being more easy on them than their father. Loki replied, amused "Mother has more patience I believe. Father I suppose is supposed to be as stern as he is. He is ruler after all" Loki then beamed proudly as Thor declared they were great as a team "Indeed, brother. It's been proven before through the years"
"Thor. You can't change people's beliefs. No matter who I am or what I do, I will always be known as a trickster. What point is there? Let them mock me. I can always show my tricks against them and they will never mock me again" Loki replied somewhat resentfully. He didn't want Thor to fight all his battles. His pride was still at stake. He then sighed sadly, wanting his brother to understand that he didn't care most of the time. Sure it hurt but Thor was all the approval he needed "You can make it law all you want. It will not stop people from talking about me. They already do. They already have. Let it be thor. I already have you and mother. I do not need anyone else's approval"
"That's just it thor. Advisor. Never king. You were meant to be king since birth! You are superior to me just admit it!" Loki snapped finally. Realizing his anger, Loki sighed again, trying to ease his frustrations and jealousy. He sighed smiling, trying to be in a better mood "I did mention to mother to be your advisor and she is very happy with the idea. And so am I. I will make sure to do everything I can to be the best for you"
Trying desperately to change the subject, he was relieved Thor took his bait to prank the guard. He chuckled "I have a couple spells I wanted to try. I need you to distract him from seeing me" He then yanked Thor to go find the guard. When they did, he snuck by the wall to see the guard grumbling. He replied "Just make conversation. I'll turn into a spider and crawl over him" He then waited for Thor to go.
"I'm sure she does. She has to put up with us and father." said Thor.
Thor sighed.
"I know but you're my brother. I hate when someone insults you or when you're hurting. I wish I could do more to make you happy." said Thor.
He knew he couldn't fight Loki's battles for him but that went out of his head when he saw his brother hurting and others picking on him. He often lost his temper and often got into trouble. But he couldn't help that. Some might say he was overprotective of his brother and he supposed he was. Not that he knew Loki couldn't defeat anyone who dared challenge him but he shouldn't have to.
"I will make it law. And people will see the truth. I'm sure of it." said Thor.
Thor nodded.
"I know you would make a better king than me. I wish we could rule as kings together. But I doubt father would allow that. So making you my adviser is the best I could do. My second in command." said Thor.
He grinned.
"You already are the best and only person for the job. No one else comes even close in my eyes." said Thor.
He chuckled as the topic shifted to pranking the guard. Thor nodded walking out and cracking his knuckles drawing the guard's attention.
"So what's this i hear about insulting my brother. A Prince of Asgard. I should have you throw in jail or at least removed from your post." said Thor.
He knew he technically didn't have that kind of power until he was king. But the guard didn't need to know that. And he was hopefully keeping him distracted.
Loki couldn't help but laugh a little at Thor's joke of their mother being forced to tolerate their father and the two of them. It was kind of true. But his laughter was short lived as Thor seriously wished for Loki's happiness and even declared to make law that it was forbidden to mock magic users, including him. Loki smiled softly, sighing and shaking his head "Do what you must, my brother. It is your decisions. I don't think that will change anything but it may be a start to progress acceptance I suppose" He shrugged, a bit defeated, his brother was stubborn and Loki wasn't really in the mood to argue with this. Still, he gave Thor a hug, grateful for his approval and support "You are a stubborn mule, but you're my stubborn mule" But just as quick as the hug came it left, the need to be a man being reminded in the back of his mind.
"Nonsense. You will do just fine. You are heir. Firstborn. As your future advisor, I advise you to stop doubting yourself" Loki joked a little, wanting his brother to be just as confident in himself as he was in Loki. Loki wanted Thor to see how truly good he was. People sometimes only saw Thor as this nonsensical brute but that wasn't what Thor was deep down. This was what thor was. A thoughtful man. A sensitive man. A man who wanted to do good for his kingdom.
Loki smiled softly at Thor as he praised him some more, and gave him a affectionate shoulder pat. Then they went over to the guard. As Thor went over to the guard, Loki snuck around behind, the guard too distracted by Thor to notice. With a wink to thor Loki disappeared in wisps of green smoke and turned into a hairy spider. The spider crawled on the floor and slowly on the floor near the guard's leg. The spider was on his foot as the two talked XXXXX
The guard was grumbling when he heard Thor snapping at him. Unlike his frustrations with Loki, he was more intimidated by Thor. Not because of his title but more or less because of his size. Thor was much more muscular and knew how to use it. So the guard immediately began to panic, if only to want to prevent getting hit in the face. The guard was admittedly unaware of the princes' abilities and believed he could actually go to jail. So he started to sweat and reply nervously "Your majesty, please. It was a misunderstanding. Whoever told you those things were nothing more than liars. Please I beg your forgiveness"
"A misunderstanding? My brother told me himself. And he would not lie about this. Maybe I'll bring this to the queen instead. Although for your sake you probably should have kept your cruelty to yourself." said Thor.
He watched amused seeing a spider crawl around onto his foot.
"What is that on your foot? Did you bring your pet with you?" asked Thor.
The guard was too panicked to tell thor off for believing in his brother, the god of lies. The guard started to panic more at the mere mention of the queen, Frigga had a very low tolerance on anyone who mocked or insulted her sons and it was considered high shame to be confronted by the queen. The guard put his hands up in prayer "Your majesty please I beg of you. I did not mean any disrespect towards your brother! I beg your forgiveness. This will bring shame upon my family" He then looked quizzically "Begging your majesty's pardon?" He then looked down in confusion as he saw a spider on his leg. Out of a fear of spiders he jumped and ran off away to the side "Spiders?! Agh! Get that creature away" The spider crawling to him caused him to actually get behind thor and replied "Your majesty, pardon my expressions but please, get the damn thing away from me!" He shivered, yes shivered, and closed his eyes letting his fear get to him
The spider meanwhile stood still and actually looked at thor before going off to hide away. Loki transformed back into himself and walked over and replied "That's him brother. The one who I told you about I thin--..... What is he doing? He is acting like a school girl" He then saw the guard not look at him so he winked to Thor as if to tell him to play along for a little longer. This was turning out to be more fun than he thought.